The overall goal of DIDA is to promote holistic socioeconomic development among the urban and rural communities of Dedo Woreda
What we do
Improving collaboration
DIDA aims to foster cooperation and coordination among various stakeholders, including government bodies, NGOs, and community-based organizations, to ensure effective and efficient development efforts.
Changing the Work Culture
DIDA strives to promote a culture of entrepreneurship, innovation, and skills development to create employment opportunities and improve livelihoods in the community.
Supporting Education
Through the implementation of school clubs and other effective mechanisms DIDA strives to significantly enhance the quality of education, improve educational performance, and tackle the obstacles faced in girls' education.
Implement development initiatives
DIDA aims to proactively identify and implement supplementary development initiatives in response to emerging needs and concerns within the community.
Youth Empowerment
DIDA works towards empowering and engaging youth in productive economic activities, skill development, and entrepreneurship to enhance their participation in the workforce and reduce unemployment rates.
Elderly Support
DIDA provides support and assistance to elderly individuals, vulnerable groups, and those in need, ensuring their well-being, care, and access to social services.